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Mathew Arnold as a Critic of English Literature – With Special Reference to Functions of Poetry by Dr. George Kolanchery
Abstract Mathew Arnold is an important critic of English Literature. Before him, English criticism was in fog, and whatever criticism we find, is more based on personal notions than on any consistent methods. Dryden is regarded as the first critic of English, but his criticism is based on personal notion- sympathy and knowledge rather than on any formula. It is the reason that even in his age, the authority of Aristotle remained unquestioned. The romantic critics besides their rich criticism were more lost in their theory of imagination and lo e for metaphysis. It is in Arnold that English literature could have a critic of real nature, who laid down certain principles following which poetry could be criticized. Herbert Paul very pertinently remarks, “Mr. Arnold did not merely criticize books himself. He taught others how to criticize. He laid down principles; if he did not always keep the principles he laid down. Nobody, after reading “Essays in Criticism” has any excuse for not being a critic.” Key Words: Mathew Arnold, Critic, Functions of Poetry
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English Literary Criticism
Khanh Huynh
In the following pages my aim has been to sketch the development of criticism, and particularly of critical method, in England; and to illustrate each phase of its growth by one or two samples taken from the most typical writers. I have in no way attempted to make a full collection of what might be thought the most striking pieces of criticism to be found in our literature.
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Three Critical Approaches in Literary Criticism: An Example Analysis on Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach
cahyaning rahayu
ANAPHORA: Journal of Language, Literary and Cultural Studies, 2020
To approach a work of literature can be done in different ways. Some approaches can be used to analyze a literary work, such as psychological, historical, sociological, etc. To analyze one literary work, more than one approach can be applied. This article is an example of analyzing a poem, Mattew Arnold's Dover Beach from three different critical positions, the formalist, the sociological, and psychoanalytical. The formalist critics view work as a timeless aesthetic object. We may find whatever we wish in the work as long as what we find is in the work itself The sociological critic views that to understand Arnold’s ‘Dover Beach’, we must know something about the major intellectual social current of Victorian England and how Arnold responded to them. All psychoanalytic critics assume that the development of the psyche in humans is analogous to the development of the physique. ‘Dover Beach’ is richly suggestive of the fundamental psychic dilemma of man in civilization.
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To define the domain of literary criticism would require some contentious choices and some contended definitions—about what the “literary” is and about what kinds of interventions can be included as “criticism.” The aim of this entry is not to trace the whole history of literary criticism. Nor should it be assumed that modern literary criticism is naturally or necessarily academic. The following discussion will address such matters and operate with such definitions and omissions, always mindful that doing so does not necessarily settle anything.
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Literary Criticism -Paper II Unit I The contributions of the Victorian critics
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In its value-neutral use, "Victorian" simply identifies the historical era in England roughly coincident with the reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1901. The beginning of the Victorian Period is frequently dated 1830, or alternatively 1832 (the passage of the first Reform Bill which transferred power from the upper to the middle class), and sometimes 1837 (the accession of Queen Victoria); it extends to the death of Victoria in 1901. Historians often subdivide the long period into three phases: Early Victorian (to 1848), Mid-Victorian (1848-70), and Late Victorian (1870-1901). Much writing of the period, whether imaginative or didactic, in verse or in prose, dealt with or reflected the pressing social, economic, religious, and intellectual issues and problems of that era. Among the notable poets were
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Criticism as manifesto versus criticism as science: a new “Battle of the Books” in British modernist literature
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Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 2013
Percy Lubbock, Virginia Woolf, T. S. Eliot ve diğerleri, çalışmaları değerli sayılan ve hala çağdaş edebiyat kuramı ve eleştirisinde geçerliliğini sürdüren eleştirmenler arasında kabul edilirler. Bu eleştirmenlerden bazıları yazareleştirmen, diğerleri ise akademik ya da profesyonel eleştirmenlerdir. Hayal ürünü türünde yazan yazarların kimisi gelenekselliği benimseyip gerçekçi olarak yazmaya devam etmiş, kimisi ise buna karşı çıkarak yenilikçi olmuştur. Aynı şekilde, edebi eleştirmenlerden bazıları geleneksel sübjektif ve mücadeleci eleştirilerine devam etmiş, diğerleri de eleştiride yenilikçi olmaya ve daha tarafsız, bilimsel ve metodolojik yaklaşımlar geliştirmeye çalışmışlardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Virginia Woolf'un Modern Fiction ve Percy Lubbock'un The Craft of Fiction eserlerine odaklanarak yirminci yüzyılın ilk yarısındaki bu eleştirel yaklaşımları açığa kavuşturmaktır. Bir yazar-eleştirmen olan Woolf, çağdaş gerçekçileri reddeder ve kendisinin de önemli bir savunucusu olduğu deneysel kurguyu metheder, fakat bir eleştirmen olarak geleneksel sübjektif, savunucu ve kuralcı kalmaya devam eder. Aksine, kendisi de bir eleştirmen olan Lubbock, roman türünü estetik olarak uyumlu hale getiren on dokuzuncu yüzyıl gerçekçi yazarlarının başarılarını destekler. Fakat Lubbock eleştirel çalışmalarında Henry James'in kurgu türünü yapı ve anlatım tekniği bakımından değerlendiren fikirlerini kullanır ve geliştirir. Dolayısıyla, bu makale, İngiliz modernist edebiyatı yazar-eleştirmenleri arasındaki olası iletişimi inceleyerek, bu çalışmada bahsi geçen yazar-eleştirmenlerin farklı edebi eğilimler göstermesine karşın onları aynı şemsiye altında ele almanın, İngiliz edebiyatının modernist döneminde yaygın olan edebi eleştiri üzerindeki zıt görüşleri ortaya çıkarma konusunda bir çözüm yolu sunabileceğini tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Edebiyat Kuramı ve Eleştirisi, Yazar-Eleştirmen, Modernizm.
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